Our Approach

Include Me’s Whole Body Approach with Cultural Intelligence (CQ®) is delivering a quiet, data-driven revolution that is transforming the way organisations will go about developing inclusive leaders and curating more inclusive workplace cultures that are truly sustainably diverse, equitable and psychologically safe.


What WeDo

  • The Inclusion Audit is our discovery phase; a snapshot for a clear understanding of your inclusion starting point, ahead of the commencement of your Include Me, CQ® powered journey
  • It will also identify what success looks like for your organisation at this point in time; a clear vision of where you want to be
  • It will identify where you are with your inclusion practices across your policies, processes and ways of working
  • It will provide a qualified assessment of what the impact on your organisations outcomes is likely to be in the event of no action being taken to develop your workplace culture
  • All Insights will be provided in consideration of and in relation to your organisation’s operational and financial goals
  • The Audit will determine what data will be relevant and therefore required to be collected throughout each phase, in order to measure progress, success and impact
  • 7 key areas of your organisation’s operations will be analysed and reported on in order to establish your current inclusion status in preparation for your inclusion journey.
  • Co-production is critical for the planning of any program of development or change for an organisation and its people
  • Any real commitment to inclusion should ensure that any co-production exercise must be workforce-led and should include input from every level from across the organisation
  • As well as considering the needs of every voice at every level throughout your organisation, any plan must also fully account for the specific short and long-term needs, aims and objectives of your organisation itself
  • Our Whole Body Approach mandates we not only look at providing relief for the clear and obvious points of pain but that we also have the courage to look deeper, to ask the challenging questions so as to find the root cause of the visible issues, then having the openness and humility to work with your whole workforce to fix it
  • Your Whole Body Approach integrated plan will incorporate not only your CQ® training, coaching and development for your people but also advice on the action required to support the better practises that you might build together for the psychological safety of your whole workplace community to the ultimate benefit your organisation
  • Transforming your operational infrastructure will ensure that your newly more inclusive workforce will feel they have a safe home to which they can bring their true selves. The ensuing results cannot help but deliver a positive impact on both your organisation’s operational outputs and its financial outcomes
  • Effective communication of the strategic plan to all stakeholders throughout the organisation and their subsequent ownership of that plan, is critical to its ultimate chances of success as is ensuring that it is properly resourced in order that it can be fully delivered.
  • Cultural Intelligence or CQ® is a globally recognised way of assessing and improving effectiveness in culturally diverse situations.
  • It’s has been rigorously, academically researched across more than 100 countries worldwide.
  • CQ® is defined as “the ability to relate and work effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds”
  • It goes beyond existing notions of cultural sensitivity and awareness. Through CQ®, you’ll learn how to use different strategies to come up with more innovative solutions in culturally unfamiliar situations.
  • Through CQ® we will help redefine the term “Culture” to be reflective of the differences in all of us. These will be those differences determined by our uniquely different backgrounds, life-journey experiences and current life-situations both professionally and privately; these determine not only our personalities, preferences and character traits but also our attitudes, choices and actions in all things.
  • There are 4 Capabilities or skills, identified as the pillars for development that determine anyone’s CQ® level, each of which comes with a menu of sub-dimensions
  • There are also 10 Cultural Values that are essentially the determination of who we are. These transcend many of those characteristics that are traditionally considered to be identifiers of culture like race and ethnicity
  • So by first understanding ourselves against these CQ® continuums and determining the biases (positive and negative) that we bring to every interaction we have and decision we make, we then better be able to understand appreciate and negotiate those differences
  • Improving your CQ® capabilities can predict capacity and development in;
    • Personal Adjustment and Adaptability
    • Negotiation Effectiveness
    • Trust, (d)Idea Sharing, and Innovation
    • Leadership Effectiveness
  • Research has shown that improving your CQ® will help you to better be able to avoid or negotiate the many misunderstanding both in our work settings and at home that have been found to emanate from the  differences individual Cultural Values
  • Understanding your own personal culture is the first step to really understanding that of those around you. The Culture that is assumed and ascribed to us by others is rarely the culture by which we identify ourselves
  • No matter the size or type of your organisation, CQ® will help in equipping your leaders, teams, and staff to better be able to advance the values and needs of your organisation
  • CQ® will help you better adapt to the different cultures and personality types working within your organisation as well as across the populations you serve and those with whom you do business.
  • Increasingly, research is demonstrating what has been intuitively known for some considerable time; diversity and inclusion are no longer just “nice-to-haves”, psychological safety is a core contributor to any organisations operational productivity and therefore to their financial success
  • Developing more inclusive leaders and “leaders for inclusion” throughout your organisation can only be part of the story. If an organisation’s foundational cultural infrastructure remains unchanged, its leaders are in effect forcing those they have developed, to seek a new home for their newly enlightened outlook on inclusion and equity
  • Curating the progression through the stages to psychological safety for any employee, requires belief and trust in the work culture, a clear philosophy that underpins it and everything across the work environments that supports and illustrates it
  • Include Me will provide the business development understanding and expertise, through CQ® and the principles on creating a psychologically safe environment, to enable your people will know they have a safe place of work to bring their true best, authentic selves to each and every day
  • Include Me will advise, guide and support the required changes organisations must make to their infrastructure to deliver the better practices in inclusion that will support the CQ® development in their workforce
  • Measuring progress and evaluating impact against a wide range of an organisations operational and financial KPIs and targets is critical to any change transformation journey to both assess value for money and improve future planning.
  • It has continued to be the challenge for ED&I practitioners in getting leaders to see the development and improvement of inclusion practices and the attention to the culture across their organisation as more than a nice-to-have add-on and not a business critical priority
  • There is a cost to business of the estimated 12.8 million days lost every year to stress, anxiety and depression. Our clients will be the ones that recognise that looking after the psychological safety of their people must move ED&I from the nice-to-have to the business-critical space in their business development planning
  • Include Me’s research and evaluation specialists will develop a data analysis journey, based on your organisation’s specific requirements and success criteria, that will measure, monitor and evaluate each phase of your journey to enable both validation of your investment in your inclusion journey and celebration of goals achieved
  • As with any good project plan there will be clear markers, a measurable, phased approach with data collected to support monitoring towards milestones, effective evaluation and better future strategic planning
  • You will have a live dashboard of regularly collected and collated data so that on-going decision-making can be as agile and responsive as you need it to be
  • There is no one-size fits all so although Include Me’s methodology is consistent, the specific elements will be unique to your organisation, your journey and your goals for success.

How WeDeliver

  • Include Me’s distinctly different Whole Body Approach provides for a somewhat different 360-degree universal offer, in that you get to solve the inclusion issues that are your greatest points of pain right now but at the same time you get to identify and tackle the root causes of that pain
  • The discovery and planning phases of your inclusion program will ensure that all that we do is aimed at delivering the impact that the data indicates you most need and will therefore be bespoke to your organisation
  • The Cultural Intelligence (CQ®) Learning Framework will provide you with a globally recognised cultural learning tool that has over two decades of peer-reviewed research behind it and a proven track record of success
  • The CQ® Train-the-Trainer development program will offer you control, consistency and sustainability across your continuing inclusion development journey
  • Include Me’s CQ® Coaching and Development program will support the embedding of your workforces CQ® learning, following their initial training
  • Our unique approach to evaluation; how we monitor and how we use data-points and milestones, will all support your ability to demonstrate value for money, provide an on-going engaging progression story and be better able to more accurately predict your organisation’s future development needs
  • This then completed the cycle, returning your Include Me Whole Body Approach with CQ® program right back to your next Inclusion Audit, which will determine with evidence, the next phase of your diversity and inclusion journey
  • Alongside our three Directors Include Me is growing a collective of driven, like-minded professional partners and consulting experts who will provide the highest level of expertise in each of their specialty areas of support to Include Me’s Whole Body Approach with CQ® offering
  • Our service benefits from a voluntary advisory board, made up of a growing number of successful expert practitioners, who will be representative of the many marginalised voices for whom our service offering was created. This board will perform the role of critical friend, advising us on all we do
  • Our team members, partners and advisors come to us with their own long-standing passion and drive for all things ED&I and making workplaces fairer, happier and safer places to be for everyone
  • At Include Me, we are all committed to the impact that truly inclusive workplace cultures can have on the success of any organisation; we believe fervently that so often the quietest voices harbour the brightest ideas
  • Include Me’s aim is to help your organisation to build a single loyal community of raving fans out of all the different stakeholder groups and personalities that make up your workplace community
  • Include Me will support your development of an infrastructure that delivers a workplace that provides true psychological safety for all members of your workplace community.
  • We believe that inclusion should include everyone from the Boardroom to the lowest paid part-time member of support staff. This should include not only consultants, volunteer and partner organisations but also suppliers, customers, service users and all those across the community that you serve
  • Done right, your Include Me Whole Body Approach with CQ® journey will;
    • Enhance your reputation within your sector and across the communities you serve
    • Make you a “partner of choice” 

    • Make you an “employer of choice”

    • Give your customers another (perhaps for them their most compelling) reason to want to buy from you
  • Once you’ve created your community of raving fans from your various stakeholder groups, they are more likely to remain loyal to you as well as wax lyrical every chance they get about you and what you offer
  • Include Me Whole Body Approach with CQ® will help you be the organisation that everyone is talking about for all the right reasons
  • At Include Me, we agree that “Inclusion must be for everyone or it will be for no one”
  • Include Me Directors are all qualified CQ® Facilitators
  • Include Me will bring to your organisation the most experienced providers in their fields to support the simultaneous development of your workforce and workplace
  • Include Me’s Whole Body Approach with CQ® will help develop the competence and confidence of both your inclusive leaders and your leaders for inclusion right across your organisation to the level of being expertly and intentionally inclusive
  • Your program, if effectively and consistently communicated, will not only engender ownership and real pride across your stakeholder community, it will also see your organisation and it leaders widely recognised as thought-leaders in the ED&I space.
  • Include Me’s specialist inclusion communication partners will lead the support for your communications team on dovetailing all aspects of your internal and external communications on this
  • Equity, diversity and being intentionally inclusive through CQ® will become a core part of your DNA and evident in everything you do and are seen to be doing as an organisation.
  • Include Me Directors bring some 80 years of experience in developing businesses and people to the business infrastructure support offering and you will benefit from the many more years of wide-ranging experience from across our team of partners and advisors
  • Building better inclusion practises because it’s the “right thing to do”, will never be enough of a reason to establish diversity and inclusion as a core part of any business-critical action plan with a commensurate level of budget attached
  • Though this is the right thing to do, there is now plenty of validated research evidence that demonstrates that more diverse teams are good for a business’s productivity and its bottom line; they have proven to be more innovative and more productive than homogenous teams but only if appropriately trained and developed
  • More importantly, a stakeholder community that feels safe, connected and happy is more loyal, productive and sustainably engaged
  • Everything Include Me does with and for your organisation as part of your diversity and inclusion development program, will be done in full consideration of your overall business plan’s objectives
  • Any work on inclusion that Include Me does will build on and dovetail with all that you have so far built and achieved in your equality, diversity and inclusion strategy
  • Include Me has developed an approach as well as a set of processes, tools and systems that in combination, provides a suite of support that will ensure that progress can be measured from day-one. This will be tracked, monitored and effectively communicated to all stakeholders groups
  • Any systems, data reports and potential software solutions developed as part of your inclusion program would be bespoke to your organisation’s specific needs for not only your diversity and inclusion journey but also your unique corporate journey 
  • Our insight team is expert in identifying the right metrics to monitor against your starting points, key success criteria and targets. These will have been informed by the Audit findings, advised by us but decided on by you and your teams
  • Your definition of success and desired impact will be each cycle’s endpoint. Your pain-points will define the data collected, collated and analysed and your evaluation outcomes will determine the next steps
  • By having a clear understanding of the journey, your people and the Include Me methodology, the right milestones can be agreed and set across the phases of each cycle
  • Every element across the program is set and delivered with your organisation’s business and HR aims and objectives in mind
  • We will help you identify the quantitative and qualitative data you need for us to help in the curating of better planning for your inclusive workplace culture development journey
  • The metrics agreed and each cycle’s outcome will be evaluated to demonstrate the return in investment for your program and will be both objective and subjective.
  • Ongoing program monitoring will enable maximum agility throughout the phases and will enable better, more accurate and effective future planning for your organisation and your people.